[Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting Friday at 8:30AM - agenda

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Wed Nov 20 03:20:44 EST 2019

Hello all,
it is high time to resume our weekly RGB meeting, that went on hold due to
the CLAS meeting.

Time: 8:30AM JLab time
Location: JLab room F224-225
BlueJeans ID: 237353330

We have to talk about the upcoming data taking - we just learned about the
~1 week delay of the accelerator, it would be good to hear from people
onsite to have more details about this (will it be "only" a week delay or
more? What about the energy? etc).
We also need to agree on the strategy for the outbending setting. My
proposal to run at January outbending received no comments, especially
from the SIDIS people, which are in principle the only ones really wanting
for outbending data. As it is clear that other experiments (such as DVCS
for instance) don't really benefit from outbending data - which have lower
Q2 reach, as I showed in my simulations two weeks ago - I'd like to hear
strong arguments for the outbending data from the SIDIS guys. If they
don't feel strongly about it, we'll just run the whole time inbending :-)
We also need to be ready for the spring data recalibration and cooking as
soon as the new COATJAVA release will be out.

So, all this said, here is a tentative agenda for Friday:

- Upcoming run: accelerator situation, run plan for December

- Outbending data taking: pros and cons

- Plan for recalibrations and cooking

Please let me know if anything more should be discussed.
See you all on Friday, best regards,

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