[Clas12_rgb] agenda for RGB meeting

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Thu Sep 5 06:56:42 EDT 2019

Dear all,
after the break of last week, we'll resume with our weekly RGB meeting,
tomorrow (Friday, September 6th), 8:30AM JLab time. Location: JLab room
(if it's still booked and if the screen and BJ now work there) F224-225.
BlueJeans ID: 237353330.

The agenda so far has the following items:

-    Update on cooking, monitoring, timelines
-    Cooking plan for DNP, plan to review talks
-    Document submitted for possible running in 2021-2022
-    LTCC installation - update on studies

Please let me know if you want to present anything else. It would be nice
to see some physics results, but I guess there'll be more as soon as we'll
have some newly cooked data ;-)

See you all tomorrow.

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