[Clas12_rgb] get ready for DNP cooking

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Tue Sep 10 18:26:01 EDT 2019

Silvia and All

I will start the DNP cooking (v16) which will have things happened after 
v15 including FTCAL energy calibrations, RICH time_offset calib, CND calib.

The plan would be to keep unfiltered files at cache disk for long term use.
Aram will filter them on parallel when I cook.

So it is important for anyone want a physics filter to try the test skim 
files at
And let Aram know any change needed



On 9/10/2019 1:00 PM, Silvia Niccolai wrote:
> Thanks a lot Dan. The run list I gave to Zhiwen this morning is indeed 
> on your ranges 2) and 3), as 1) had trigger instabilities.
> Thanks Raffaella as well.
> I’d say we can proceed with the DNP cooking now, and we’ll refine RF and 
> FTOF calibrations for a following pass. Zhiwen, is this ok with you?
> Best regards,
> Silvia
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 10 Sep 2019, at 17:26, Daniel Carman <carman at jlab.org 
> <mailto:carman at jlab.org>> wrote:
>> Silvia,
>> I spent some time this morning going over the timelines for RG-B from 
>> the v15 pass-0 for both
>> FTOF and CTOF.
>> I think CTOF is reasonable over the full RG-B run range. There are a 
>> few discrete shifts in timing,
>> but they are quite small.
>> The bigger issue is the stability of the FTOF calibration. Calibrating 
>> the 3 reference runs for RG-B,
>> 6164, 6233, and 6489 was not enough to ensure stable calibrations 
>> throughout the full run range. From
>> the standpoint of FTOF calibrations, there are 3 run ranges where the 
>> calibrations are in decent shape.
>> 1) 6156 - 6170
>> 2) 6233 - 6349
>> 3) 6420 - 6525
>> If you stay in these ranges for the RG-B DNP cooking, you should be in 
>> reasonable shape. I believe that
>> there are still some questions about what is being plotted in the 
>> timelines. I still believe that the timeline
>> quantities do not fully match what I am using for calibration in the 
>> suite. However, I am reasonably
>> confident in my assessments for the above 3 run ranges.
>> Let me know if you have any questions.
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
>>> On Sep 10, 2019, at 7:24 AM, Silvia Niccolai <silvia at jlab.org 
>>> <mailto:silvia at jlab.org>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> thanks to Zhiwen, Yordanka, and Sangbaek, we have now timelines 
>>> online for the pass0/v15 cooking (ten files/run). The link is:
>>> https://clas12mon.jlab.org/rgb/pass0/v15/tlsummary/
>>> I encourage all detector-responsible people to please give a look at 
>>> them.
>>> Keep in mind that the latest FT calibrations from Raffaella were not 
>>> yet included in this cooking pass.
>>> We have spotted a problem in CND calibration, that has already been 
>>> fixed, constants re-uploaded in ccdb.
>>> There are still some problems in the rftime electron mean distribution:
>>> 1) the runs 6189-6222 and 6351-6399 show that weird "sector 
>>> dependence" we had previously observed. I am not sure if the cause of 
>>> this was ever full understood. The effect is not so big, as the 
>>> maximum shift is below 100 ps, but still, for now I prefer to exclude 
>>> these two run ranges from the cooking for DNP.
>>> 2) there is a 25-ps "step" between the first set of runs and run 
>>> 6329, then it goes back down for 6346, to finally go permanently back 
>>> up by 25 ps from 6420 onwards.
>>> 3) the last set of runs (6546 onward) seem to show again some sector 
>>> dependence, albeit even smaller than for the two other sets of runs.
>>> Raffaella and/or Daniel, do you have any suggestions/ideas? I think 
>>> that on the RF calibration side all should be ok now, so maybe the 
>>> problem is at the level of ftof?
>>> I have prepared, and sent to Zhiwen, a run list for DNP including 
>>> only "stable" regions, from the point of view of number of triggers 
>>> and timing alignment (thus excluding the weird ranges of point 1) above).
>>> Unless any detector expert sees the need to calibrate runs in the 
>>> rest of the run period, and please let me and Zhiwen know before this 
>>> evening if it's the case, I'd say we could move on with the DNP cooking.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Silvia
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>> * Dr. Daniel S. Carmane-mail : carman at jlab.org <mailto:carman at jlab.org>*
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