[Clas12_rgb] start of shifts in November

Maurizio Ungaro ungaro at jlab.org
Thu Sep 26 16:17:52 EDT 2019

Dear all,

The schedule is now official, and we're expected to resume shifts on Nov. 22.

It is now even more important to have all your training up-to-date, because effective October 1 only JSA employees can escort non-employees who do not currently have unescorted accelerator site access privileges, see this memo<https://www.jlab.org/memo/cebaf-center-and-accelerator-access-changes> for more details. Please refer to the online training list<https://www.jlab.org/human_resources/training/webbasedtraining>.  As you know, the Rad. Worker exam and practice you can take only on site.

I also would like to remind you that all visitors have to be registered at least 7 DAYS BEFORE THE ONSITE ARRIVAL START DATE. Access will not be granted until all required validations and approval are complete.

The registration portal is https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabAccess/ .

Please read carefully these notes on electronic access:

- https://www.jlab.org/human_resources/jris/processing
- https://www.jlab.org/hr/jris/ElectronicAccessProcess.pdf

You can follow these instructions<https://www.jlab.org/hr/jris/CheckingStatusRegistrations.pdf> to check the status of your registration.



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