[Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting Friday at 8:30AM - agenda

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Wed Aug 19 08:13:25 EDT 2020

Dear all,
after the summer break, this coming Friday we'll resume our RGB meetings.
So far, in the agenda, we have:

- Update on pass1 cooking and on calibrations for fall and winter data
(Zhiwen, Silvia)

- Analysis updates, in preparation for Jeopardy (anyone?)

For the second point, I'd like anyone who has anything new on his/her
analysis to please get in touch with me between now and Friday. The
jeopardy PAC is approaching (Sept 15, with likely a dry-run with Hall-B
leaders beforehand), so we must start to put together the presentation

Thank you all and see you on Friday.
Best regards,

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