[Clas12_rgb] [Fwd: PAC 48 Jeopardy Information]

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Mon Sep 14 07:32:27 EDT 2020

Dear all,
the Dry run for the jeopardy PAC is scheduled for Friday, September 18th,
at 8:40AM US Time.
Here below you'll find an email I just received from Susan Brown with
questions that we'll have to address for the PAC.
I'd like to ask to all those providing me with slides (remember, I'd like
to have them by today...) to consider these questions and try to address
them in the slides they send me.
Thanks a lot and best regards,

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: PAC 48 Jeopardy Information
From:    "Susan Brown" <sbrown at jlab.org>
Date:    Mon, September 14, 2020 7:09 am
To:      "Annalisa D'Angelo" <annalisa.dangelo at roma2.infn.it>
         "Shepherd, Matthew" <mashephe at indiana.edu>
         "Rory Miskimen" <miskimen at umass.edu>
         "Lamiaa El Fassi" <elfassi at jlab.org>
         "William.brooks at usm.cl" <William.brooks at usm.cl>
         "Latifa Elouadrhiri" <latifa at jlab.org>
         "Silvia Niccolai" <silvia at jlab.org>
         "contalbrigo at fe.infn.it" <contalbrigo at fe.infn.it>
         "Kuhn, Sebastian E." <skuhn at odu.edu>
         "Nelson, Timothy Knight" <tknelson at slac.stanford.edu>
Cc:      "Bob McKeown" <bmck at jlab.org>
         "Markus Diehl" <markus.diehl at desy.de>
         "Paschke, Kent Dieter (kdp2c)" <paschke at virginia.edu>

The PAC will consider the three questions below during the Jeopardy PAC
meeting on September 25th.
1) Is there any new information that would affect the scientific
importance or impact of the Experiment since it was originally proposed?
2) If the Experiment has already received a portion of its allocated beam
time and/or is on the presently published accelerator schedule, the
spokespersons should provide an analysis of the existing data set, the
projected result for any additional time on the published schedule, and
the projected result for the complete data set including all remaining
unscheduled time.  The goal is to show the physics impact of the
respective data sets.
3) Should the remaining beam time allocation and experiment grade be
Attached for your convenience is the finalized meeting agenda. Please note
that all 30 minute presentations should allow 20 minutes to present and 10
minutes for questions, while the 20 minute presentations should be allowed
15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions.
At present the INDICO page has been setup at
https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/401/.  Once again we ask that in view of
the varied time zones of the committee members that your presentations be
posted on Thursday September 24th at noon in order to allow the members to
prepare for Friday’s meeting.
This meeting will be held on using Blue Jeans.  Additional information
with the necessary links will be sent to you later this week.
Best regards,

Susan Brown
Phone: 757-269-7668<callto:757-269-7668>
Fax: 757-269-5800<callto:757-269-5800>

The mind is like a parachute, it works best when its open.
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