[Clas12_rgb] rgb train update

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Thu Jan 28 16:34:09 EST 2021


new train on spring19 is done at

The old one is still at

Maybe we can do this
1. move the 3 new skim in new train into old location
2. consider if we should delete the 3 old skims in old train?
3. delete the 2 old skim in new train as they should be identical to 
those in old train. Do we need to ask people using the 2 skims to do a 

Let me know what you think


On 1/25/2021 1:04 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Dear All
> I made skims for all fall2019 cooked runs at
> /volatile/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/fall2019/torus+1/pass1/v1/dst/train
> Please let me know any feedback before we move it to tape for long term 
> storage.
> The same skim for spring2019 should be done soon.
> refer to
> https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Group_B#Software_and_Data
> Zhiwen
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