[Clas12_rgb] machine-learning tutorial at the next RGB meeting

Valery Kubarovsky vpk at jlab.org
Sun Jun 13 19:45:30 EDT 2021

Dear Silvia,
It is very good idea but I am not sure that 1 hour is enough for the training.

From: Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb-bounces at jlab.org> on behalf of silvia at jlab.org <silvia at jlab.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2021 15:13
To: clas12_rgb at jlab.org <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
Subject: [Clas12_rgb] machine-learning tutorial at the next RGB meeting

Dear all,
following Adam's presentation on the machine-learning-based veto for
protons in the CD, and given the interest of the people attending, we
decided to devite our next RG-B meeting (Friday June 18th, 8:30AM) to a
"tutorial" session on machine learning. It will be hosted by Adam (for the
ROOT-based tutorial) and Richard (for the Java-based tutorial). It will be
a very practical session, to teach how to use the available codes and get
operational quickly.
I think this can be a nice first step towards the sharing of analysis
tools, at least within RG-B - although if anyone from other RG's is
reading this message, they'll be very welcome as well.
I may actually inform the WG leaders of this tutorial session to see if
they think it could be beneficial to advertise it to their groups.
Best regards,

Clas12_rgb mailing list
Clas12_rgb at jlab.org
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