[Clas12_rgb] material and recording of today's Machine Learning Tutorial

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Fri Jun 18 10:36:57 EDT 2021

Dear all,
for those who did not attend, and also for those who did, today we had the
tutorial on Machine Learning for Multi-Variate Analysis. A big thank you
to Adam and Richard, who did a really fantastic job.

The material (slides and links to examples) is posted on our "Common
analysis tools" tab of the RGB wiki:

Link to the recording of the session:

All this information is also reported in the Meeting tab of our wiki, on
today's date.

If anyone has follow-up questions or comments, and if you think they can
be beneficial for the whole RG, feel free to send them to the RGB mailing
list. Otherwise, for "private" questions you can directly email Adam
(ajhobart at jlab.org, for the ROOT part) and/or Richard
(r.tyson.1 at research.gla.ac.uk for the JAVA part).

Thanks again to Adam and Richard!
Best regards

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