[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] New data sample processed for CVT validation

Raffaella De Vita Raffaella.Devita at ge.infn.it
Tue Apr 19 13:34:52 EDT 2022

Dear All,

New data samples from RG-A and RG-B Spring19 have been processed with the latest version of CVT reconstruction and alignment. 

The reconstructed files (DSTs) are available:
- RG-A: /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/cvt/alignment_2022-02-15_bsFixed3/eloss/bs2/dstcvt/recon
- RG-B: /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/cvt/alignment_2022-02-15_bsFixed3/elossD2/bs2/dstcvt/recon

Differences with respect to previous samples are:
- latest CVT alignment including realignment of central versus the forward detector;
- latest reconstruction includes energy loss in the Kalman Filter.

Your feedback on this sample would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,

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