[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Sample of RG-B Spring19 runs processed with AI-assisted tracking

Raffaella De Vita Raffaella.Devita at ge.infn.it
Fri Jan 14 15:14:51 EST 2022

Dear All,
After the tagging of the last coatjava release, 7.1.0, which includes AI-assisted tracking, a sample of runs from Spring19 was processed with both conventional and AI-assisted tracking to asses the gain in statistics we have with AI on this data set.

DSTs and skims for these runs are available in:
Sample A:
	DSTs: /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/mlt17/rgb_spring2019/torus-1/dst/reconA
	Skims: DSTs: /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/mlt17/rgb_spring2019/torus-1/dst/trainA
Sample B:
	DSTs: /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/mlt17/rgb_spring2019/torus-1/dst/reconB
	Skims: DSTs: /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/mlt17/rgb_spring2019/torus-1/dst/trainB
where the A/B samples are the results obtained with the two tracking approaches. The labels are generic to promote a sort of blind assessment.

Skims are the same used lately by RG-B and defined in /volatile/clas12/users/clas12/mlt17/rgb_spring2019/torus-1/dst/trainA/train/README.json

It would be great if you could run your analysis on this sample and report the results you get at the next software meeting.
Best regards,

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