[Clas12_rgb] [Fwd: Re: RG-B Spring19 data set Pass2 Review - FINAL SHORT MEETING -]

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Wed Nov 2 08:55:52 EDT 2022

Dear all,
today at 10:30AM we'll have the closeout session with the review committee
for our Spring19 pass2 review.
You'll find the meeting infos here below (room for those who are in JLab
and  zoom for the others.
Apologies for the short notice!
Best regards,

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: RG-B Spring19 data set Pass2 Review - FINAL SHORT MEETING -
From:    "Marco Battaglieri" <battagli at jlab.org>
Date:    Tue, November 1, 2022 12:36 pm
To:      "Cole Smith" <lcsmith at jlab.org>
         "Nathan Baltzell" <baltzell at jlab.org>
         "Larry Weinstein" <weinstei at jlab.org>
         "Marco Mirazita" <marco.mirazita at lnf.infn.it>
         "clas12_rgb at jlab.org" <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
         "Silvia Niccolai" <silvia at jlab.org>
Cc:      "Daniel Carman" <carman at jlab.org>
         "Raffaella De Vita" <devita at jlab.org>
         "Patrick Achenbach" <patricka at jlab.org>
         "Stepan Stepanyan" <stepanya at jlab.org>

Dear all,
I’d like to have a short meeting on Wednesday Nov 2 10:30AM-11:30AM to
complete the RGB Pass2 review discussion we did not conclude last Friday
and have a (restricted) meeting with the committee's members.
We will use the same zoom link used last week:
For people at Jlab, we will meet in person in room CC F226.
- 10:30AM - 11:00AM EDT: open discussion (RGB experts/members, Review
Committee, …) to settle remaining issues from Friday
- 11:00AM - 11:30AM EDT: closed discussion (committee members only) to
define the report content
Given the concomitance with CLAS coll meeting, the time allocated for
open/closed discussion and the start time will be sharp.
@Committeee members: please review in advance the material presented last
week to have questions/comments ready for RGB representatives.
Talk to you tomorrow!

On 28 Oct 2022, at 07:14, Marco Battaglieri
<battagli at jlab.org<mailto:battagli at jlab.org>> wrote:

Dear all,
this is a reminder for the upcoming Pass2 RG-B Spring19 data set review
that will take place today October 28 from 8:30AM to 10:30AM EDT.
The meeting will be virtual on zoom:
The committee is formed by:  Nathan Baltzell, Marco Battaglieri (chair),
Marco Mirazita, Cole Smith, Larry Weinstein and the charge is in
The review wiki page, with presentations and documentation, is available
at this link:
Talk to you in a while


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