[Clas12_rgb] RGB: attack plan for analyzers to prepare pass-2 review of Oct 28th

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Sun Oct 16 11:32:44 EDT 2022

Dear RGB analyzers,
many of you were maybe not present at the last meetings, so you are not
all aware of the situation with respect to the pass-2 preparation.  We
have completed the calibrations and we're currently running the cooking of
15 runs with TWO versions of coatjava: with the "standard" pass-2 release
(8.3.2) and with the one having an improved CVT tracking (8c.3.2).
dst cooked files and analysis trains will be produced.
Zhiwen has started the processing yesterday and I see that some files are
starting to come out (first the ones with the "new" tracking).
I'd like all of you to be ready to produce a comparison of performances
between the pass-1 data that you have, and the two new pass-2 cookings,
for the selected 15 runs.
The runs are: 6449, 6450, 6451, 6452, 6453, 6455, 6456, 6546, 6547, 6549,
6550, 6559, 6565, 6566, 6567
A good start would be if you prepare plots for your own reaction using
this subset of runs, and the usual pass-1 trains. Examples of the things
we are interested in checking, for each final state, are yields (the
efficiencies for both forward and central tracking should be improved),
resolutions of the various missing masses, performances for neutrals in
ECAL and for FT photons, etcetera. If you can please prepare a set of
plots for your analysis to evaluate these properties, then you'll be ready
for the comparison when the two sets of "pass-2" test runs will be out.
Please get in touch with me if you have questions/doubts/issues/ideas.
Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation!
Best regards,

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