[Clas12_rgb] RGB: attack plan for analyzers to prepare pass-2 review of Oct 28th

ajhobart ajhobart at jlab.org
Mon Oct 24 04:46:32 EDT 2022

Hi Zhiwen,

I have been regularly checking for the last missing three runs, is there 
a problem with the cooking of those runs?



Le 21/10/2022 à 13:26, Zhiwen Zhao via Clas12_rgb a écrit :
> Dear All
> the 12 of 15 run dst cooked with 8.3.2 is at
> /volatile/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/v28.22_8.3.2
> the rest 3 should finish today also
> Zhiwen
> On 10/17/2022 6:46 AM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>> Dear All
>> the 15 run dst cooked with 8c.3.2 is at
>> /volatile/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/v28.22_8c.3.2
>> 8.3.2 cooking is started and should finish in a few days.
>> Zhiwen
>> On 10/16/2022 11:32 AM, Silvia Niccolai via Clas12_rgb wrote:
>>> Dear RGB analyzers,
>>> many of you were maybe not present at the last meetings, so you are not
>>> all aware of the situation with respect to the pass-2 preparation.  We
>>> have completed the calibrations and we're currently running the 
>>> cooking of
>>> 15 runs with TWO versions of coatjava: with the "standard" pass-2 
>>> release
>>> (8.3.2) and with the one having an improved CVT tracking (8c.3.2).
>>> dst cooked files and analysis trains will be produced.
>>> Zhiwen has started the processing yesterday and I see that some 
>>> files are
>>> starting to come out (first the ones with the "new" tracking).
>>> I'd like all of you to be ready to produce a comparison of performances
>>> between the pass-1 data that you have, and the two new pass-2 cookings,
>>> for the selected 15 runs.
>>> The runs are: 6449, 6450, 6451, 6452, 6453, 6455, 6456, 6546, 6547, 
>>> 6549,
>>> 6550, 6559, 6565, 6566, 6567
>>> A good start would be if you prepare plots for your own reaction using
>>> this subset of runs, and the usual pass-1 trains. Examples of the 
>>> things
>>> we are interested in checking, for each final state, are yields (the
>>> efficiencies for both forward and central tracking should be improved),
>>> resolutions of the various missing masses, performances for neutrals in
>>> ECAL and for FT photons, etcetera. If you can please prepare a set of
>>> plots for your analysis to evaluate these properties, then you'll be 
>>> ready
>>> for the comparison when the two sets of "pass-2" test runs will be out.
>>> Please get in touch with me if you have questions/doubts/issues/ideas.
>>> Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Silvia
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