[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: RGB meeting Friday? Need someone to replace me
Bryan McKinnon
Bryan.McKinnon at glasgow.ac.uk
Wed Jan 18 13:20:44 EST 2023
Hi all
I’d be happy to run the meeting if there is a need for one. Just let Silvia (this list) know.
> On 18 Jan 2023, at 15:29, Silvia Niccolai via Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb at jlab.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> this Friday I won't be available to run the RGB meeting. If people need to
> present/discuss something urgently, please let me know, and I'll find
> someone else to run the meeting (Bryan? Adam? Jerry? Stepan? ...).
> On the data-processing side, here is the status: for Spring19 we're
> waiting for the new release to run the hopefully final test on our subset
> of golden runs, including the de-noising pre-processing; for F19/W2O we
> are advancing with the calibrations - beam offset is ongoing.
> Best regards,
> Silvia
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Dr. Bryan McKinnon
Nuclear and Hadron Physics Research
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
Scotland UK
Tel: (+44/0) 141-330-7226
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