[Clas12_rgb] 6 runs cooked and ready for testing

Silvia Niccolai silvia at jlab.org
Mon Jan 30 17:20:08 EST 2023

> Dear all,
> the 6 "golden runs" we have been using to test the
> reconstruction have been cooked with CJ 8.5.0, and are available at /volatile/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/v28.41. 
> If the people who have been doing cross-checks for our pass-2 preparation
> using this set of runs for their analyses could please do it again and
> compare with their previous tests, it would be great. I am supposed to report the results of this test at Thursday’s software meeting.  
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards,
> Silvia

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