[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: Pass2 vs Pass1 talk at CLAS Meeting
silvia at jlab.org
silvia at jlab.org
Mon Jul 3 11:48:44 EDT 2023
Thanks Richard, and sorry for the misunderstanding!
I had some private exchanges with some of you, in the search alternative
speakers, and I think in the end a possible solution is that I give this
presentation. I have Richard's and Lamya's slides, Adam will make some as
well. If anyone else can produce slides and send them to me let's say by
next Monday morning it would be great. Otherwise we'll go with these three
We can also discuss this at our meeting on Friday.
Thank you and best regards,
> Hi All,
> Sorry Silvia for the misunderstanding, I'm on holidays the week of the
> collaboration meeting so I won't be able to give this talk. I've attached
> slides showing improvements for J/psi produced on the bound proton and
> J/psi produced on the bound neutron. For whoever will give the talk,
> please feel free to take the plots you want from them and email any
> questions you have on the slides.
> Unfortunately, we had some power outages due to flooding in our offices in
> Glasgow so I was only able to transfer over roughly 60% of spring 2019. On
> these 60% of spring2019 we see an improvement of:
> * ~80% for J/psi produced on the proton ( ep_bound -> (e') e+ e- p ).
> * ~50% for J/psi produced on the neutron ( en_bound -> (e') e+ e- n ).
> Thanks,
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb-bounces at jlab.org> on behalf of Silvia
> Niccolai via Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
> Sent: 03 July 2023 13:48
> To: clas12_rgb at jlab.org <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
> Subject: [Clas12_rgb] Pass2 vs Pass1 talk at CLAS Meeting
> Dear all,
> next week at the CLAS meeting RGB will have a 15-minute slot to present
> "Pass2: First look at RG-B data". My understand is that Richard is
> available to give this talk (Richard, please correct me if I am wrong). It
> would be great if this talk could provide an overview on the impact of
> pass2 on all ongoing RGB analyses. Provided that Richard will be the
> speaker, could all RGB analyzers please provide him with one slide
> summarizing the impact of pass2 on their analyses? It can be focused on
> the overall increase of the yields, and/or resolutions, improved PID, etc.
> Thanks a lot and best regards,
> Silvia
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