[Clas12_rgb] RGB S19 pass2 has begun!

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Sat May 27 06:05:08 EDT 2023

Dear all,
I'm glad to share the good news that last night the pass2 processing of
the RGB-Spring19 dataset has finally started!
I would like to thank all the people that supported this long journey: the
software group (Raffaella and Nathan in particular), our super efficient
and patient chef Zhiwen (who now restarts the toughest part of the job!),
CalCom (all detector experts, calibrators, and of course Daniel that
coordinates it all), and all our great analyzers, who tested several
versions of software/cookings and presented their findings at our weekly
The data will be going to the following path:
Thank you all once again, looking forward to the beautiful results we'll
extract from these re-processed data.
Best regards,

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