[Clas12_rgb] final call to check Jeopardy document

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Mon Apr 29 04:09:16 EDT 2024

Dear all,
as May 1st is a holiday here in France, I need to submit the RGB Jeopardy
document at the latest tomorrow (Tuesday). And I am 6 hours ahead with
respect to JLab...Given also the lengthy and annoying process of preparing
the cover letter, I'd like to ask you all to please look at the document
to verify that all is ok, at least for the part that concerns you the
most. I'll consider the document finished ***tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at
8AM French time (2AM US time)***, and start the submission process.
I remind you the editing link for the overleaf:
Please be careful in not breaking anything if you edit :-)
Thank you all and best regards,

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