[Clas12_rgb] feedback needed on RGB Jeopardy PAC slides

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Wed Jul 3 13:31:02 EDT 2024

Dear Patrick,
thanks a lot for the suggestion!
I attach a new version of slide 4 that hopefully matches what you had in
Best regards,

> Good morning Silvia and all,
> I think it depends very much on how this is presented. Your concluding
> statement from last week's presentation was "the improved CLAS12 tracking
> and reconstruction, along with the high-luminosity upgrade of CLAS12 will
> further increase statistical precision for all our measurements". This was
> perceived by me (and possibly also by Patrizia) that we are requesting the
> remaining 51 PAC days to get more physics out than originally proposed
> (maybe it was meant differently). If we emphasize that for the remainder
> of the RG-B run the luminosity will be higher than the design luminosity,
> we are giving an argument to PAC reviewers to cut the beam-time. On the
> other hand, if we emphasize that past data-sets were taken with lower
> luminosity than proposed, and that future measurements will make up for
> this loss through an improved efficiency, we are giving an argument to PAC
> reviewers that the physics program can indeed be completed within a total
> of 90 PAC days.
> My recommendation is to emphasize on page 4 the lower luminosity of past
> runs and present on the same page a remedy for future runs. Then, keep the
> conclusion statement focused on finishing the proposed physics program
> without discussing the high-luminosity upgrade.
> Best,
> Patrick
> ________________________________
> From: Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb-bounces at jlab.org> on behalf of Silvia
> Niccolai via Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 09:51
> To: Stepan Stepanyan <stepanya at jlab.org>
> Cc: clas12_rgb at jlab.org <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
> Subject: Re: [Clas12_rgb] feedback needed on RGB Jeopardy PAC slides
> Hi Stepan,
> thanks a lot for your very useful comments, which I will include in the
> slides.
> Just one comment about your point on slide 21. I had a sentence along
> these lines as my concluding statement in the version of the talk that I
> presented at the CLAS meeting last week (you can see it on the meeting
> indico page), but it received a lot of negative feedback, in particular
> from Patrizia and Patrick. They worry that pointing out that the
> luminosity and  reconstruction efficiency will be higher will weaken the
> case for requesting beam time. I meant it in the sense that the impact on
> statistics-starving measurements (such as nDVCS) will be even stronger
> than the factor ~sqrt(2) in the error bars because we will be able to run
> in more favorable conditions, and that back in 2019 we didn't manage to
> run in the conditions of the proposal.
> So, I am not sure on what's the best way to proceed regarding this
> point...
> Best regards,
> Silvia
>> Hi Silvia,
>> Here are some comments:
>> - slide 2, “DVCS et al.”, I am not sure what this means, I think it
>> should be just “DVCS”
>> - slide 3, better to have some explanations for “inbending” and
>> “outbending”. For example, you could continue the “title” of
>> bullets as “ … 3 different beam energies, and two orientations of
>> the
>> CLAS12 torus magnetic field, inbending and outbending electrons)”.
>> - slide 4, is it right to quote the luminosity “per nucleon”? all
>> our
>> measurements are related to either proton, neutron or deuteron. So the
>> luminosity on these targets is half of the quoted number.
>> - slide 4, Richard’s J/psi results are from Pass2
>> - slide 5, the comment about the complementarity of nDVCS and transverse
>> pDVCS - I am not sure this is correct. In each case, you  mesure
>> different
>> quark combinations, and if you want to do flavor separation, you need
>> both
>> measurements nDVCS and transverslly polarised pDVCS.
>> - slide 5, I am not sure I understand why you are showing Hall-A data
>> - slide 7, can we write the fit function to the asymmetries, the blue
>> line?
>> - slide 9, the same as above, the fit function. Valeri already
>> commented,
>> I agree that the table is not useful
>> - slide 10, there is space to write some explanations for the plots, for
>> example, what are red bands?
>> - slide 12, a first bullet should explain that neutrons are detected and
>> identified in the CLAS12 forwad calorimeters
>> - slide 21, should we say that with improved software will allow us to
>> run
>> at somewhat hiher luminosity?
>> Regards,
>> Stepan
>>> On Jul 1, 2024, at 12:59 PM, Silvia Niccolai via Clas12_rgb
>>> <clas12_rgb at jlab.org> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> following the comments I received for my dry run last Thursday, I made
>>> a
>>> new version of the Jeopardy slides, that you can find at the following
>>> link:
>>> https://box.in2p3.fr/s/BjMRQGqfBEgXJ2Z
>>> Could you please send me your comments and suggestions, ideally by
>>> Thursday?
>>> And I have a question for Jerry for the GMn slides: the projections
>>> that
>>> you sent me, and that use the full RGB expected statistics, stop at Q2
>>> =
>>> 10 GeV2, while the preliminary results for the ratio, even broken into
>>> the
>>> three beam energies, reach Q2~12 GeV2. This goes a bit in contradiction
>>> with our statement "Completing RGB will extend the reach in Q 2 and
>>> improve statistical precision". How can we fix this? One of the main
>>> comments I got last week was to emphasize the need for statistics.
>>> Could
>>> you maybe extend your projections to 12 GeV2?
>>> Thanks a lot to all and best regards,
>>> Silvia
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Clas12_rgb mailing list
>>> Clas12_rgb at jlab.org
>>> https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/clas12_rgb
> _______________________________________________
> Clas12_rgb mailing list
> Clas12_rgb at jlab.org
> https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/clas12_rgb
> ________________________________
> From: Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb-bounces at jlab.org> on behalf of Silvia
> Niccolai via Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 09:51
> To: Stepan Stepanyan <stepanya at jlab.org>
> Cc: clas12_rgb at jlab.org <clas12_rgb at jlab.org>
> Subject: Re: [Clas12_rgb] feedback needed on RGB Jeopardy PAC slides
> Hi Stepan,
> thanks a lot for your very useful comments, which I will include in the
> slides.
> Just one comment about your point on slide 21. I had a sentence along
> these lines as my concluding statement in the version of the talk that I
> presented at the CLAS meeting last week (you can see it on the meeting
> indico page), but it received a lot of negative feedback, in particular
> from Patrizia and Patrick. They worry that pointing out that the
> luminosity and  reconstruction efficiency will be higher will weaken the
> case for requesting beam time. I meant it in the sense that the impact on
> statistics-starving measurements (such as nDVCS) will be even stronger
> than the factor ~sqrt(2) in the error bars because we will be able to run
> in more favorable conditions, and that back in 2019 we didn't manage to
> run in the conditions of the proposal.
> So, I am not sure on what's the best way to proceed regarding this
> point...
> Best regards,
> Silvia
>> Hi Silvia,
>> Here are some comments:
>> - slide 2, “DVCS et al.”, I am not sure what this means, I think it
>> should be just “DVCS”
>> - slide 3, better to have some explanations for “inbending” and
>> “outbending”. For example, you could continue the “title” of
>> bullets as “ … 3 different beam energies, and two orientations of
>> the
>> CLAS12 torus magnetic field, inbending and outbending electrons)”.
>> - slide 4, is it right to quote the luminosity “per nucleon”? all
>> our
>> measurements are related to either proton, neutron or deuteron. So the
>> luminosity on these targets is half of the quoted number.
>> - slide 4, Richard’s J/psi results are from Pass2
>> - slide 5, the comment about the complementarity of nDVCS and transverse
>> pDVCS - I am not sure this is correct. In each case, you  mesure
>> different
>> quark combinations, and if you want to do flavor separation, you need
>> both
>> measurements nDVCS and transverslly polarised pDVCS.
>> - slide 5, I am not sure I understand why you are showing Hall-A data
>> - slide 7, can we write the fit function to the asymmetries, the blue
>> line?
>> - slide 9, the same as above, the fit function. Valeri already
>> commented,
>> I agree that the table is not useful
>> - slide 10, there is space to write some explanations for the plots, for
>> example, what are red bands?
>> - slide 12, a first bullet should explain that neutrons are detected and
>> identified in the CLAS12 forwad calorimeters
>> - slide 21, should we say that with improved software will allow us to
>> run
>> at somewhat hiher luminosity?
>> Regards,
>> Stepan
>>> On Jul 1, 2024, at 12:59 PM, Silvia Niccolai via Clas12_rgb
>>> <clas12_rgb at jlab.org> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> following the comments I received for my dry run last Thursday, I made
>>> a
>>> new version of the Jeopardy slides, that you can find at the following
>>> link:
>>> https://box.in2p3.fr/s/BjMRQGqfBEgXJ2Z
>>> Could you please send me your comments and suggestions, ideally by
>>> Thursday?
>>> And I have a question for Jerry for the GMn slides: the projections
>>> that
>>> you sent me, and that use the full RGB expected statistics, stop at Q2
>>> =
>>> 10 GeV2, while the preliminary results for the ratio, even broken into
>>> the
>>> three beam energies, reach Q2~12 GeV2. This goes a bit in contradiction
>>> with our statement "Completing RGB will extend the reach in Q 2 and
>>> improve statistical precision". How can we fix this? One of the main
>>> comments I got last week was to emphasize the need for statistics.
>>> Could
>>> you maybe extend your projections to 12 GeV2?
>>> Thanks a lot to all and best regards,
>>> Silvia
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Clas12_rgb mailing list
>>> Clas12_rgb at jlab.org
>>> https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/clas12_rgb
> _______________________________________________
> Clas12_rgb mailing list
> Clas12_rgb at jlab.org
> https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/clas12_rgb
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