[Cuga] JLab Weekly Briefs - a message from Kandice Carter
Kandice Carter
kcarter at jlab.org
Wed Oct 8 17:41:35 EDT 2014
To access the full version of the JLab Weekly Briefs, visit: https://www.jlab.org/news/briefs/latest
October 8 Briefs Excerpts:
JLab SOTR Training Registration Ends Oct. 9
Jefferson Lab will hold Subcontracting Officer Technical Representative (SOTR) training (GEN020) on Monday, Oct. 13, 8 a.m.-noon in the Support Service Center, Bldg. 28, room 53. Anyone who will be tasked to serve as a SOTR on any project at Jefferson Lab is required to attend this training. Attending this training is one part of the Jefferson Lab certification requirement for all SOTRs. To attend, register online by 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 9, or contact Kathleen Jones at x5139. Link: https://misportal.jlab.org/training/home.seam
Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Oct. 31
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place Friday, Oct. 31, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. All those who donate will be entered into a drawing for prizes from the American Red Cross. To schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org and enter Sponsor Code: TJNAF. You can also contact Johnie Banks, jbanks at jlab.org or x7539. Visit the website for donation eligibility requirements: http://www.redcrossblood.org/donating-blood/eligibility-requirements
Discount Entertainment Tickets Available
Jefferson Lab now offers a link to Tickets at Work, a website that offers employee discounts and corporate prices for entertainment. Locally, discounts include savings of more than 20 percent off at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA, as well as discounts on movie tickets. The site also offers discounts on tickets to other major theme parks, tickets to Broadway shows, hotels and rental cars. Link: https://www.ticketsatwork.com/tickets/SeaWorldPark/?&company=JEFFLABS
Pick Up Catalog with 2015 Calendars & Day-Timer Items from Procurement
The Procurement Department currently has catalogs available from Forms and Supply with 2015 calendars and Day-Timer items. Individuals and departments needing a catalog may pick one up in Procurement, Bldg. 28, room 33. Calendars and Day-Timer supply ordering questions may be sent to Barbara Rice, brice at jlab.org or x7238.
Register for Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
The 2014 Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing will be held on Friday, Oct. 17, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va. The tourney will kick off at noon with a shotgun start. To sign up, see Mike Zarecky, in the Technology and Engineering Development building, room 2500/19. You can find more information on the Jefferson Lab Golf League page: http://www.jlab.org/intralab/committees/jag/sports/golf/
Annual Performance Appraisal Process Underway
The Jefferson Lab performance review cycle is Oct. 1 - Sept. 30 each year. This year's performance appraisal process officially began on Sept. 29. All self assessments should be completed by Oct. 14. For more information, see the full all-staff memo: https://www.jlab.org/memo/performance-appraisal-process-begins-today-9292014
Fitness Room Now Open
The Fitness Room in the Technology and Engineering Development Building (TED Bldg. 55) is now open 6 a.m. - 8 p.m., seven days a week. The facility is for use by all Jefferson Lab staff and visiting scientists at least 18 years old. Use of the facility is at an individual’s own risk. Before beginning any exercise program, remember to consult your personal physician. The center includes cardio and strength equipment, as well as a TV/DVD and space to exercise. More information about the Fitness Center is available online: https://www.jlab.org/memo/jefferson-lab-fitness-center-open-house-set-oct-6-1130-am-%E2%80%93-130-pm-will-open-use-oct-7
Flu Vaccines Offered by Appointment
Occupational Medicine is now taking appointments from Jefferson Lab staff for Influenza vaccinations. If you would like to be vaccinated, contact Occupational Medicine at x7539 to schedule an appointment. Shots are given by appointment only in the Support Service Center, Bldg. 28, room 3. Keep in mind that for 15 minutes after vaccination you should remain at Jefferson Lab, in the presence of other people and avoid safety-sensitive activities, including driving. For more information, contact Johnie Banks, Occupational Medicine, at jbanks at jlab.org.
Reminder: Users Group Satellite Meeting at DNP
The Users Group will hold its Satellite Meeting at the annual DNP Fall meeting, located in Hawaii at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. The meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 9, in the Kings I room.
To access the full version of the JLab Weekly Briefs, visit: https://www.jlab.org/news/briefs/latest
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