[Cuga] JLab Weekly Briefs - a message from Kandice Carter

Kandice Carter kcarter at jlab.org
Wed Mar 18 15:41:44 EDT 2015

To access the full version of the JLab Weekly Briefs, visit: https://www.jlab.org/news/briefs/latest 

March 18 Briefs Excerpts: 

New Jefferson Lab Policy Posted: Assessing and Approving Outside Work 
Opportunities at the lab routinely arise to engage with other institutions, sponsors or agencies to conduct research and development that is consistent with our mission and that can have benefit to the lab. On March 2, a new lab-wide policy and supporting instructions titled "Assessing and Approving Outside Work at Jefferson Lab" were posted by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. This document provides a decision-making process that examines outside work (such as Work for Others, IAA, CRADAs, CRADAs in support of SBIR/STTR, IWOs, etc.) requiring the commitment of resources. To access the document, see the all-staff memo: https://www.jlab.org/memo/assessing-and-approving-outside-work 

Weight Loss Support Group Planning Meeting 
Losing weight, eating well and getting exercise can be difficult. If you're looking to shed a few pounds, a weight loss support group can be an invaluable resource. The Jefferson Lab Activities Group is sponsoring a weight loss support group. Once a week, the group will hold a lunchtime meeting with a weight loss expert, who will cover topics such as healthy eating habits, portion control and recipes. If you’d like to learn more about the group and sign up, an information meeting will be held Thursday, March 19, noon-12:45 p.m. in ARC Bldg. room 231-233. You may also contact Barbara Rice at x7238 for more details. 

Last Chance to Enter 2015 Annual T-Shirt Design Contest 
Entries for Jefferson Lab's Annual T-shirt Design Contest are due before close of business on Monday, March 23. The JAG webpage provides more information and a complete list of rules and submission requirements. Anyone planning to make a last-minute submission on Monday, March 23, is asked to email Mary Jo Bailey at mbailey at jlab.org this week. The lab community will vote on designs March 30-April 10. JAG webpage: https://www.jlab.org/intralab/committees/jag/ 

2015 E-Commerce Vendor Fair 
All members of the Jefferson Lab community are invited to the annual JSA E-Commerce Vendor Fair scheduled for 9 a.m.–1 p.m. on Thursday, March 26. The theme is safety, so come ready to ask vendors about their safety information, supplies and equipment. Vendor displays and tables will be set up in the CEBAF Center atrium and room F113. Refreshments will be available throughout the day. If you have any questions about this event, contact Renee Carter, x7954. 

Student Projects, Volunteer Mentors Needed for High School Interns 
Eight outstanding high school students have been selected to participate in the lab's High School Summer Honors Program, which will be held June 22 – July 31. Critical to the success of their internship experience are projects for the students with mentors who can oversee one or more students as they carry out their work. The students are currently in the 11th and 12th grades and have expressed interest in pursuing scientific and technical careers. Lab scientists, engineers and other technical managers who are interested in serving as a mentor to high-achieving high school students and have a project, or any number of small projects that can be accomplished over the summer, are asked to contact Brita Hampton with a description of the work to be assigned by May 1. If you have questions, email hampton at jlab.org or call x7633. 

To access the full version of the JLab Weekly Briefs, visit: https://www.jlab.org/news/briefs/latest 
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