[Deeppwg] Last call for contributions

GUIDAL Michel (57321) guidal at ipno.in2p3.fr
Thu Nov 12 07:45:00 EST 2009

Dear Deep Physicists,

Here is below the list of colleagues who have requested
time to speak at the forthcoming Deep Processes working group
meeting on Nov.20th.

If you wish to talk and you are not on this list, write to me immediately.
If you don't wish to talk and you are on this list, write to me immediately.
If you wish to talk and you are on this list, don't write to me.
If you don't wish to talk and you are not on this list, don't write to me.

A. Fradi: Update on exclusive rho+ analysis
H. Avakyan: DVCS results: re-analysis of e16-e1f data
M. Mirazita: SIDIS lambda production
A. Puckett: new 12 GeV proposal: Semi-Inclusive DIS cross section 
measurements on unpolarized proton and deuteron targets with CLAS12
P. Khetarpal: Near Threshold Pion Electroproduction at High Q2 
W. Gohn: update of Semi-inclusive pion electroproduction analysis of E1-f
M. Osipenko: semi-inclusive production of protons
M. Niroula: TPE test run data analysis
E. Seder: EG1-DVCS Status with emphasis on DVCS
S. Jawalkar: EG1-DVCS Status with emphasis on SIDIS
I. Bedlinskiy: pi0/eta cross sections from e1-dvcs data



Institut de Physique Nucleaire
Bat 100 - M052
91406 ORSAY Cedex
Tel: (33) 01 69 15 73 21
Fax: (33) 01 69 15 64 70
E-mail: guidal at ipno.in2p3.fr

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