[Deeppwg] APS Talk

mher at jlab.org mher at jlab.org
Sat Feb 13 13:41:12 EST 2010

Dear Wes

on slide 9, 10 you could/should add the cut on Mx.
on slide 10, where you have x_B, P_T and Q2, you got them for 0.4<z<0.7
and Mx> 1.5GeV, (i guess), please add the cuts.

good luck,
best regards,

> Wes,
>  you have a very nice talk.  However, your acceptance corrected
> phi-distribution for pi+ on slide #12 cannot be correct. It would seem
> that the acceptance function that was used does not really describe the
> acceptance well as the two unphysical "bumps" located symmetric around
> 180deg clearly show. The result is that your reduced chi^2 for the fit
> with the phi parameterization to the pi+ data is ~10, while for the pi-
> you have a much better chi^2 ~ 1.  The moments for pi+ are then also
> suspect. I suggest not to show the pi+ distribution as it may prompt
> questions.
> You probably have too many slides for a 10min talk. You may want to drop
> 2 or 3 slides.
> Good luck!
> Volker
>    Wes Gohn wrote:
>> Dear Deep Process Working Group Members,
>> I will give the following talk on my SIDIS analysis of E1-f data
>> tomorrow
>> at the APS meeting. Thank you for any suggestions or comments.
>> http://www.phys.uconn.edu/~gohn/gohn_aps2010.pdf
>> Best regards,
>> Wes
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