[Deeppwg] upcoming DPWG meeting: call for contributions

GUIDAL Michel (57321) guidal at ipno.in2p3.fr
Wed Nov 3 12:44:45 EDT 2010

Dear Deep Physicists,

So far, the 4 requests that I received for talks for our next DPWG
meeting are:

M. Mirazita: Semi-inclusive Lambda production (e1f)
K. Park: Hard Exclusive Process in the Backward angle (e1-6)
I. Akushevich: Radiative Corrections in DVCS
S. Pisano: status of DVCS beam-target double spin asymmetries (eg1-dvcs)

Let me know if I missed anyone.
Let me know if anyone else wants to make a presentation.


Institut de Physique Nucleaire
Bat 100 - M052
91406 ORSAY Cedex
Tel: (33) 01 69 15 73 21
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E-mail: guidal at ipno.in2p3.fr

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