[Deeppwg] Deep Processes Working Group

Keith Griffioen griff at jlab.org
Sat Jun 4 16:10:38 EDT 2011

Dear Deep Processes Working Group,

Greetings from your chair-elect.  I sincerely hope that I will be able  
to serve the working group as ably as Michel Guidal has done for the  
past three years.  Thank you Michel for a job well done!

Because of prior commitments on my part, Michel and I will be working  
together through the Collaboration Meeting, so please send your  
correspondences to both of us.

The CLAS Collaboration Meeting is coming up soon on June 21-24.   
Please let us know your suggestions for topics, talks, and speakers  
for the working group session.


Keith Griffioen
Dept. of Physics
College of William & Mary
(757) 221-3537
griff at physics.wm.edu

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