[Deeppwg] Deep Processes Working Group Agenda

Keith Griffioen griff at jlab.org
Thu Jun 4 13:30:12 EDT 2015

Dear DPWG Members,

As the next CLAS collaboration meeting approaches, we need to make plans for the working group session.  This year, the collaboration meeting is organized differently, with reports from the working groups BEFORE the working-group session.  Therefore, I’d like to ask your help with  the following:

**** If you are working on an analysis project, please send me 1 or 2 slides outlining the physics, the run group(s), and the stage in the review process: 
A) analysis is just started 
B) analysis  underway 
C) analysis is nearly completed
D) analysis note is under review: first round 
E) analysis note is under review: second round 
F) paper is under ad hoc review: first round
G) paper is under ad hoc review: second round
H) paper is in collaboration review
I) paper is submitted
J) paper has just been published

*** If you answer A, B or C, please sign up yourself or a proxy to give a 15-minute report in the working-group session

*** If you are working on CLAS12 hardware/software that is crucial for DPWG experiments, please sign up yourself or a proxy to give a 15-minute report in the working-group session.

*** if you want to give a 15-minute talk on possibilities that are now only a twinkle in your eye, please sign up.

DEADLINE: Tuesday 9 June.

Thanks much,
DPWG Chair

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