[Deeppwg] Fwd: talks at SPIN2016 in the session Form Factors and GPDs

Keith Griffioen griff at jlab.org
Fri Aug 5 22:43:42 EDT 2016

Dear Deep Processes Working Group,

Please note the following talk opportunities at SPIN16.  If you are interested, please let Lamiaa know.

Best wishes,

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Lamiaa El Fassi <elfassi at jlab.org>
> Subject: Re: talks at SPIN2016 in the session Form Factors and GPDs
> Date: August 3, 2016 at 4:44:03 PM EDT
> To: Keith Griffioen <griff at physics.wm.edu>
> Dear Keith,
> Please help me distribute this call for abstracts' submission to the FF and GPD session at the SPIN16 conference. The conveners of this session are looking forward to have CLAS talks covering these topics on the agenda. 
> In case the online link (this link <http://conferences.physics.illinois.edu/spin2016/abstracts.asp>, told it's still open this week!) is not available, please send abstracts directly to <nicole.dhose at cea.fr <mailto:nicole.dhose at cea.fr>>.
> Thank you for your attention!
> Best regards,
> Lamiaa
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: D'HOSE Nicole <nicole.dhose at cea.fr <mailto:nicole.dhose at cea.fr>>
> Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 5:24 AM
> Subject: talks at SPIN2016 in the session Forma Factors and GPDs
> To: "ggilfoyl at richmond.edu <mailto:ggilfoyl at richmond.edu>" <ggilfoyl at richmond.edu <mailto:ggilfoyl at richmond.edu>>, "elfassi at jlab.org <mailto:elfassi at jlab.org>" <elfassi at jlab.org <mailto:elfassi at jlab.org>>
> dear Jerry, dear Lamiaa,
> as I am one of the convenors of the parallel session on Form Factors and GPDs at SPIN2016 I would like to be sure that you sent abstracts (dead line is July 5). New results (as well as plans) are welcome. 
> Best regards, Nicole
> Nicole d'Hose
> Building 892, 1A15
> Mailbox Z01200
> CH-1211 Geneve 23
> tel: +41 22 767 65 29 <tel:%2B41%2022%20767%2065%2029>
> mob: +41 75 411 08 10 <tel:%2B41%2075%20411%2008%2010>
> and  DRF-IRFU-SPhN, CEA Saclay
> 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
> tel: +33 1 69 08 72 72 <tel:%2B33%201%2069%2008%2072%2072>
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