[Deeppwg] abstract submission for SPIN 2018 (3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs and Form Factors) open

Silvia Niccolai silvia at jlab.org
Tue Jun 5 06:41:13 EDT 2018

Dear collegues,
the 23rd International Spin Symposium (SPIN 2018, http://spin2018.unife.it/, Ferrara, Italy, September 10-14) will have a 
parallel session dedicated to "3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs and Form Factors". The abstract submission period is currently open, and the 
deadline is June 30th.
On behalf of the session conveners, I invite you to submit an abstract and/or to share this email among your collegues working in the GPDs and 
Form factors fields.
Thank you very much and best regards,

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