[Deeppwg] Election of DPWG alternate member at CSC

Marco Contalbrigo mcontalb at fe.infn.it
Wed May 2 08:39:33 EDT 2018

Dear all,
the DPWG alternate member at CSC is intended to be a
representative of the whole working group, and a 
large partecipation to the ballot is therefore strongly

Since only a relatively small fraction of you has
expressed a vote so far, the deadline has been
extended to Friday 4th of May at 23:59 US EST.

Please take your chance and vote: this would be a
benefit for everybody.

Thanks, Marco.

On Tue, 24 Apr 2018, Marco Contalbrigo wrote:

> Dear all,
> two candidates have been nominated for the vacant DPWG
> alternate position at CSC and are willing to serve in
> that committee.
> The election for the DPWG alternate memeber at CSC is now
> open and will run for 1 week, till 1st of May.
> If you login to the database 
> https://clasweb.jlab.org/membership/phonebook.php
> you will see a section "CLAS Voting".
> Click on this and you will see the Election Form.
> The "Additional Information" link opens a new tab with
> the details page and candidate statements.
> I like to thanks Stefan and Aram for their availability.
> Best regards, Marco.

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