[Deeppwg] [EXTERNAL] DPWG release meeting for DNP on October 10

Marco Contalbrigo mcontalb at fe.infn.it
Tue Oct 8 16:42:34 EDT 2019

Dear all,
let me remind the release meeting on Wednesday 9th and
Thursday 10th of October (see below). Schedule, connection
details and material can be found at the meeting page:


Preliminary versions of the release notes are available
at the 1st-exp meeting ccdb page:


- Wednesday October 9
starting at 8:30 am (JLab time)
at CEBAF: F224-225
remote connection: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_551610659&d=DwIBAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=79LwxjSvNasRJ9h5b2H1Cw&m=n44XUgxtl8dES5sXS1aNo-9B5SIVDdLN4kRttwCqvUY&s=ygP-FJtm3lHzcgTHPDlhriJRHX_twHtbh8DQICSS3w4&e= 

Stefan Diehl          SIDIS meson BSA
Harut Avakian         SIDIS di-hadron multiplicities *
Timothy Hayward       SIDIS di-hadron BSA
Christopher Dilks     SIDIS di-hadron BSA

(* likely discussion will be postponed to 10th)

- Thursday October 10
starting at 8:30 am (JLab time)
at CEBAF: F226
remote connection: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_551610659&d=DwIBAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=79LwxjSvNasRJ9h5b2H1Cw&m=n44XUgxtl8dES5sXS1aNo-9B5SIVDdLN4kRttwCqvUY&s=ygP-FJtm3lHzcgTHPDlhriJRHX_twHtbh8DQICSS3w4&e= 

Guillaume Christiaens  DVCS on proton
Joshua Tan             DVCS on proton at various energies
Kitty Price            DVCS on neutron
Angela Biselli         DVCS on deuteron
Andrey Kim             Exclusive pi0's
Brandon Clary          Exclusive phi

See you, Marco.

On Thu, 3 Oct 2019, Marco Contalbrigo wrote:

>  Dear all,
>  below is the schedule of the meetings for the DPWG
>  approval of analysis results for DNP. Let me invite
>  everybody to be present and contribute for the best
>  CLAS outcome.
>  A brief analysis note will be circulated two days
>  in advance of each presentation.
>  ---------------------
>  - Thursday October 10
>  ---------------------
>  starting at 8:30 am (JLab time)
>  at CEBAF: F224-225 remote connection: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_551610659&d=DwIBAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=79LwxjSvNasRJ9h5b2H1Cw&m=n44XUgxtl8dES5sXS1aNo-9B5SIVDdLN4kRttwCqvUY&s=ygP-FJtm3lHzcgTHPDlhriJRHX_twHtbh8DQICSS3w4&e= 
>  Stefan Diehl          SIDIS meson BSA
>  Giovanni Angelini     SIDIS neutral pion multiplicities
>  Harut Avakian         SIDIS di-hadron multiplicities
>  Christopher Dilks     SIDIS di-hadron BSA Timothy Hayward       SIDIS
>  di-hadron BSA
>  ---------------------
>  - Thursday October 10
>  ---------------------
>  starting at 8:30 am (JLab time)
>  at CEBAF: F226
>  remote connection: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_551610659&d=DwIBAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=79LwxjSvNasRJ9h5b2H1Cw&m=n44XUgxtl8dES5sXS1aNo-9B5SIVDdLN4kRttwCqvUY&s=ygP-FJtm3lHzcgTHPDlhriJRHX_twHtbh8DQICSS3w4&e= 
>  Guillaume Christiaens  DVCS on proton Joshua Tan             DVCS on proton
>  at various energies
>  Kitty Price            DVCS on neutron
>  Angela Biselli         DVCS on deuteron
>  Andrey Kim             Exclusive pi0's
>  Brandon Clary          Exclusive phi
>  Thanks, Marco.

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