[Deeppwg] Presentation next week at the JLUO

Pierre Chatagnon pierrec at jlab.org
Fri Jun 23 08:11:18 EDT 2023

Hello all,

I will present the exclusive reaction program of CLAS12 next week (Tuesday) at the JLUO meeting. I have made some slides trying to highlight the majority of the work carried by the WG. The presentation is set to last 20 minutes, thus I had to decide which analysis to emphasize.
Nevertheless, I would be glad to have some feedbacks from the WG on this presentation. Especially, if I missed to mention some lead analyzers, put a wrong affiliation, or included outdated plots.

Note that I had to compress the pdf file to be able to send it. Thus some figures have poor quality, but the actual presentation will display full definition plots.

Thank you in advance for your comments


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