[Deeppwg] [EXTERNAL] Spin 2023 Abstract for Marshall Scott

harut avagyan avagyan.harut at gmail.com
Tue May 30 18:26:28 EDT 2023

Dear Marshall,
To link it better to SPIN conference, where spin physics is basically used
to understand the non-perturbative QCD through correlations of spins of
initial nucleons and struck partons with transverse momentum and spins of
scattered partons and final  state hadrons, you can add a sentence on that.
It is straightforward to make the case that when you detect the hadron in
the final state all SIDIS interpretation becomes spin-dependent as there
are no "unpolarized" quarks and contributions of different spin states will
change in general with the hadron transverse momentum, which depends on the
quark transverse momentum, which depends on the spin orientation of the
In addition I suggest adding a sentence before "This work...." to emphasize
the importance of pi0 production studies in SIDIS. Something like
"Neutral pion production, unlike charged pion case, is not expected to have
any major physics backgrounds, such as diffractive vector meson,
semi-exclusive hadron production, or longitudinal photon contributions, and
can provide a unique tool to study direct production of hadrons."

On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 5:30 PM Sebastian Kuhn via Deeppwg <deeppwg at jlab.org>

> Deaer Marshall,
> I am not entirely sure what the relevance of this abstract is for a SPIN
> conference. IF you are measuring, e.g., beam spin observables, you should
> mention that in your abstract. Did you receive an invitation by one of the
> conveners, or is this a contributed abstract? Which Parallel Session
> (topic) are you submitting it to?
> - Sebastian
> (P.S.: Don’t worry too much about the deadline…)
> On May 30, 2023, at 4:18 PM, Scott, Marshall B. C. via Deeppwg <
> deeppwg at jlab.org> wrote:
> Hello all, I am attaching my abstract for the Spin 2023 conference. The
> deadline is tomorrow by 23:59 EST. Please send any comments and suggestions.
> Marshall B. C. Scott, Ph.D.
> Medium Energy Physics Postdoctoral Appointee
> Physics Division
> Argonne National Laboratory
> 9700 S Cass Ave, Lemont, IL 60439
> <Neutral pion multiplicity CLAS12 abstract SPIN 2023.docx>
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