[Deeppwg] [EXTERNAL] Abstract for DIS

Gregory Matousek gregory.matousek at duke.edu
Thu Jan 25 12:01:22 EST 2024

Hi all,

I was hoping to submit the following abstract to DIS to speak about my pipi0 dihadron measurements at CLAS12.

The semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) of 10.6 GeV longitudinally polarized electrons off the proton has been measured using the CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab.  Beam Spin Asymmetries (BSAs) of dihadron angular distributions were calculated for two separate channels, $\pi^+\pi^0$ and $\pi^-\pi^0$, and will be presented. Analysis methods unique to the dihadron asymmetry measurement will also be showcased. Additionally, a photon classifier using a Gradient Boosted Trees (GBTs) architecture was trained with Monte Carlo simulations to reduce the amount of background $\pi^0$'s. We show that the nearest-neighbor features learned by the model lead to a substantial increase in signal vs. background discrimination compared to previous $\pi^0$ analyses. The machine learning approach recovers several times more dihadron statistics for the dataset. The improved precision in the BSAs provides a more interpretable look into the structure of protons and the mechanism of hadronization.

Please let me know of any recommended changes before I submit!

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