[Dsg-dc] cleanroom

Amrit Yegneswaran yeg at jlab.org
Fri Oct 27 15:01:13 EDT 2017

this is to inform you that both clean rooms are being used by the RICH detector group. 
currently there are extremely sensitive components: aerogel, mirrors, and electronics, in these areas. 
so, if any group needs to use the clean room areas, contact marco contalbrigo and/or marco mirizita and get their approval. 

From: "Tyler Lemon" <tlemon at jlab.org> 
To: "dsg-rich" <dsg-rich at jlab.org> 
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2017 1:32:22 PM 
Subject: [Dsg-rich] condition of EEL 124 cleanroom 


As discussed in today's RICH meeting, we will soon implement a more strict cleanroom procedure to ensure the remainder or RICH installation tasks can be performed in a clean environment. 

Now that CVT is out of the clean room, we can pick up and clean the area previously occupied by the detector. I will talk to the cleaning person that comes to clean in the cleanroom and will ask that she clean and mop the entire floor next time she is here. 
After this initial cleaning, it is on us all to ensure that the cleanroom remains clean. 

It is each person's own responsibility to ensure that the room remains clean. All cleanroom users should pick up after themselves and leave trash on the floor. 

Each person is also responsible for complying with the the attire rules of the cleanroom. If more shoe covers, hair covers, or cleanroom gowns are needed, they will be procured and placed in the gowning room. 

Best regards, 

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