[Eicatjlab_all_personnel] [EXTERNAL] EIC Coffee Break

Thelen, Mary Ellen mthelen at bnl.gov
Mon Jul 8 08:31:42 EDT 2024

Please note the EIC Coffee Breaks will now be held monthly.

Sent on Behalf of Jim Yeck


Please join us for the Electron Ion Collider (Virtual) Coffee Break on every other Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.  The Coffee Break offers us an opportunity to update each other on progress, ask and answer questions, and get to know each other better.   Everyone from the Electron Ion Collider community is welcome to join in the conversation or just come and listen, in order to stay updated.

Jim Yeck

Jim Yeck, Project Director
Electron Ion Collider
Brookhaven National Laboratory
jyeck at bnl.gov<mailto:jyeck at bnl.gov>

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Meeting ID: 160 676 0201

Passcode: 865382

One tap mobile

+16692545252,,1606760201#,,,,,,0#,,865382# US (San Jose)

+16468287666,,1606760201#,,,,,,0#,,865382# US (New York)

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