[Eicatjlab_all_personnel] [EXTERNAL] Accelerator Fundamentals Seminar and Q&A Session by Kevin Smith - Reminder (resent with updated Zoom link)
Schoefer, Kristine
kschoefer at bnl.gov
Mon Jul 8 14:06:38 EDT 2024
***We encourage you to attend this seminar in person!***
Sent on behalf of Kevin Smith.
"Introduction to Charged Particle Accelerators continues with Season 1, Episode 4 “A Farewell to Transverse Motion”. This seminar will try to tie off this first series of seminars on transverse particle motion. It will include discussion on the transverse phase space representation of particle motion and the machine “optics functions” that were introduced in the previous seminar. This will include some real time illustrations of how a code like MAD-X is used to perform optics design and analysis. What could possibly go wrong?"
Sent on behalf of Richard Muscolino and Warren Halbig.
We are pleased to announce that the EIC Directorate will be offering a series of ‘Accelerator Fundamental’ seminars that will take place in 2024. These seminars are uniquely designed to provide a welcoming and open learning environment for our newer team members who may have limited knowledge of particle accelerators.
The fourth 2-hour talk and Q&A session will take place the afternoon of Monday July 8, 2024, 3-5pm, at Bldg. 1005s 3rd Floor Seminar Room (Zoom details below), and will be hosted by Kevin Smith.
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Meeting ID: 161 050 6134
Passcode: 992164
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