[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes: 11 August 2009

D. W. Higinbotham doug at jlab.org
Tue Aug 18 12:52:34 EDT 2009

11 August 2009 Minutes

Ed Folts reported all magnets expect right dipole are up and that the 
HRS will be moved to 14 degrees and surveyed this week.  (right dipole 
should be up soon)  He is working on the cryo-system for Moller as 
well as internal alignment.  Ed encourages people to help clean-up the 
Hall as much as possible and notes that the BigBite electron detector 
has just been moved to the test lab.

Bodgan asked that any detectors that will be left in the Hall be put 
in as low a radiation area as possible.  Vince recommends behind the 
green block where the BigBite electronics were previously located.

Paul Brindz reported the iron for the PREX septum magnets has arrived. 
His group is on standby to help with Moller issues, working on the 
pivot mounts for PREX, and working on Compton items including helping 
meet the laser safety requirements.

Bert reported that this week a Bee Sting was properly reported to 
first aid. The person didn't have a serious reaction to the sting, but 
by reporting there is no question about it if you do have a delayed 
reaction.  Bert also noted he hasn't seen the COO, ESAD or RSAD for 
the upcoming experiment.

Douglas reported a NFS/MRI to put make the right HRS Q1&Q2 movable has 
been submitted.  Motion of the quads. would allow experiments that use 
the right HRS at moderate angles to nearly double the solid angle 
acceptance of the spectrometer in exchange for a slight loss of 

Douglas also asked people to bring broken electronics to him so that 
we can get them fixed.  In particular, LeCroy high voltage cards can 
still be repaired by Universal Voltronics for a fraction of the price 
of a new card.

Bogdan asked how soon the new technique for directly controlling the 
LeCroy high voltage cards will be ready for use in the Hall.  Getting 
this ready would avoid the need to refurbish more mainframes. Javier's 
best estimate was another man month of time was needed, though it 
wasn't clear when it would get done.

Sasha reports a hardware bug was found with the current Moller and 
that is now ready for the upcoming experiment.

Sirish reports that the new photon beamline for the Compton has been 
installed. There is an A/C power problem that needs to be looked into.

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