[Halla_min] Minutes (9/6/2011)
John J. LeRose
lerose at jlab.org
Wed Sep 7 16:12:51 EDT 2011
Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html
John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting September 6,2011
1) Doug Higinbotham
a) 12 GeV Scheduling: the Hall A CC is drafting
people to work out a draft Hall A schedule. They
will be inquiring spokespeople for information re
needs and time requirements for various approved
b) SBS will be reviewed next month by DOE
c) Solid group has been asked to come up with a list
of detector requirements
2) Bert Manzlak
a) The lab is in the 2nd phase of trying to acquire
ISO 18001 accreditation (International Safety
i) Two people are going through various documents.
ii) They will make field observations and conduct
iii) No firm schedule for the interviews (Bert
will share information as it becomes available)
3) Installation: (Ed Folts)
a) Still have no target platform
b) Almost ready to test power supplies
c) Need to build a hut for slow raster controls
d) Waiting for the dump
e) Need various OSP?s
i) Magnet field measuring
ii) Power to the septum
iii) Beamline magnets
f) Bert reminds that there?s a new format for OSP?s
g) Cooling down the spectrometers. Expect the ESR to
start this afternoon
h) Water system is almost finished
i) Getting ready to pull the right detector stack
4) Robin Wines
a) Local dump: expect all parts here by the end of
b) Lead was not here last week
c) Camera Assembly: sent drawings to the shop last
i) Lead for the camera is out for quotes.
d) BeO ordered last Friday, expect in 4-6 weeks
e) 3rd Arm drawings are signed off, ordering parts
f) Working on 12 GeV Møller pieces
5) Alexandre Camsonne
a) Received new Intel VME CPU. Setting up for
6) Kalyan Allada
a) Setting up 3rd arm DAQ in the Hall
b) Preparing to re-glue some scintillators
7) Jixie Zhang
a) Preparing the shift schedule page for g2p
b) Working on magnetic shielding for the pmt?s in
the 3rd arm. Need to talk with Al re the weight of
the shielding. Doug suggests looking into
alternate materials from simple mu-metal.
8) J-P Chen
a) g2p: There are a lot of last minute things to
finish up. Keeping track of the critical things.
b) Solid: 2 visitors from China are here
i) Having delays getting parts for GEM?s from the
ii) Having export control problems with
electronics ordered from Italy
iii) DOE is asking for inputs on Chinese
collaboration with JLab 12 GeV projects and
will help promote these projects with the
Chinese Academy of Science and National Science
Foundation of China.
c) Polarized 3He:
i) Trying to make two new convection cells.
ii) 1st cell sent to U.Va.
(1) New vacuum system is causing some delay
in testing the 1st cell
9) John LeRose
a) Starting preparations for SBS review
b) Also have a Lehman review for the 12 GeV upgrade
on the way.
10) Javier Gomez
a) Reminds g2p that they need to have a
safety/readiness review. Recommends they schedule
it early in case they have some follow-up to do.
Asks spokespeople to let him know when a good
time is.
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