[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: December 5, 2017

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Dec 6 15:16:56 EST 2017

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: December 5, 2017

1. Thia Keppel
   a. Senior Staff meeting
     i. Holiday Party December 7, 2017
     ii. Budget…have funds through this week
        1. No continuing resolution extension news
        2. Watch the news
        3. Ok to end of December NO MATTER WHAT
        4. Likely last minute drama
        5. Budget review board – all but research cleared (be careful with research request, i.e. travel 
           conferences, visitors…!)
     iii. Ancient property loans
        1. Will be revisited, 38 long term items
        2. Donate if people want to keep!
        3. The idea is to stop continually re-certifying this stuff
     iv. FOA for accelerator R&D (EIC) came out
        1. $7M/year for 2 years
        2. $1.5M from JLab, $3M fron BNL,…”taxes”
        3. Looking at what makes sense to propose
     v. Reshuffle space in test lab, TEDF, ESB to accommodate LCLS-II rework
     vi. Preparing slides for budget briefing….
        1. 103 students either 12 GeV or waiting (on map)
     vii. EIC Detector Meeting at Temple last week  
        1. First, a forum for discussion & updates
        2. Will stick with ad hoc meetings at the moment
        3. MIT ~ 1/29 streaming readout workshop
        4. Ghent ~ 2/5 polarized light nuclei workshop
        5. 12/9 BSM remote/web meeting, theory, exploratory

2. Robin Wines
   a. SBS
     i. Continue on ECal design/drawings
     ii. Preparing for BB frame modifications
     iii. Checking HCal support
     iv. Set out for cost on sandblasting counterweight blocks
     v. Remaining materials for HCal assembly on order
     i. Continue on chambers
     ii. Shielding and supports
     iii. Developing preliminary magnet/detector design for EIC
   c. Tritium
     i. Reviewed and summarized correctors for beamline field correction as alternate to magnetic shielding

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Completed the final Hall clean-up by taking out the remaining trans and unused equipment
   b. Supported the Target Group in helping to look for the leak on the chamber
   c. Finish recovering the cryogenic system following the ESR crash that happened the previous weekend
   d. Help move L-HRS into 17 degree position for the start of run
   e. Completed the pressure gage change out of both Q1 magnets and re-pressurized the LCW system and bought 
      the magnets back online for testing
   f. Helped move BigBite lead crystals from Test Lab to TEDF

4. Jack Segal
   a. Spectrometer (HRS-L) will NOT move remotely until January, can move locally

5. Run Coordinator – Douglas Higinbotham
   a. Target operator training for Tritium: review slides with approved mentor, MUST TAKE to be operator!
   b. Accelerator plagued by small problems but beam is nonetheless underway, expecting Hall A ~ Thursday
   c. Shared raster plot, can now see fine structure in raster pattern

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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