[Hallb-engineering] [New Logentry] Follow-up Re: Cryo Target Alarms

kashy at jlab.org kashy at jlab.org
Mon May 13 15:25:01 EDT 2024

Logentry Text:
Looking at this mornings issue with PV8522SR opening continuously, we noticed that there was an event on May 10 and it was determined to be beam mis-steering.

It may have been this, but there was also a strange motion of the solenoid cooldown valve. 
We found that the setpoint of PV8522SCD was 1.37atm and this is very close to the operating point for PV8522SR (1.35) the SCD setpoint should have been 1.55. 

We reset it to 1.55.

The change to 1.37 happened on April 11 when we had the issue at ESR with the 4K return valve. 


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