[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC: Call for shifts
mdiefent at jlab.org
mdiefent at jlab.org
Sun Apr 15 13:45:01 EDT 2018
Logentry Text:
<p>We need more volunteers for shifts, in particular but not only for the owl shifts of the remaining spring run:</p><ul><li>You can find the shift schedule on: https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/physics/shiftSchedule/?experimentRunId=HALLC-2017-2018</li><li>Here, you can sign up for shifts: https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/apps/physics/shiftSchedule/index.cfm?experimentRunId=HALLC-2017-2018</li></ul><p>Please find two important notes:</p><ul><li>The data taking for E12-09-017 requires continuous monitoring and analysis of the data being record. For efficient data taking, we need three persons on shift. </li><li><strong>From Dave Gaskell</strong>: <em>"On April10, we have transitioned from the group of Hall C Commissioning experiments to the SIDIS/Kaon-LT rungroup experiments, the first of which (running now) is E12-09-017. This group of experiments is presently on the schedule to run the remainder of this spring run and next fall. 12 shifts are requested (for the spring and fall runn
ing combined) for those interested in participating in these experiments.” </em></li></ul><p><strong>So please sign up for (more) shifts! </strong></p><p><strong>For those being offsite: Please support the local crew by coming for a few days to Jefferson Lab.</strong></p>
This is a plain text email for clients that cannot display HTML. The full logentry can be found online at https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3561186
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