[Hallc_running] RC Update

Dipangkar Dutta ddutta07 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 09:10:31 EST 2018

Hello Everybody,
We have been steadily marching through the commissioning plan and have
completed some important parts. We are now in the phase of chewing on the
data to make sure everything makes sense. We are making good progress on
that front as well. Look out for more posts in the logbook over the next
few days.
We have also been running at 40 uA and will ask for 60 uA this morning as
go through the coincidence running checkout program.

Of course there is also a list of "to be fixed" items that is growing as we
ran continuously over the long week end. The list now includes the target
fan controller/power supply (had some random glitches), SHMS rotation, one
of the HB JT valves etc. Fortunately there will be an opportunity to look
at all of this issues starting around noon today.

There is a scheduled down time to accommodate the pass change requested by
HallB. The down time is expected to last for 2-4 hours starting from noon.
All 3 of the other Halls have requested access during that time and so
radcon will be scrambling and so the exact time of access is somewhat

There will be a RC meeting today at 1:30 PM in the conference room upstairs
in the counting house.

The remote access information is below:

 Link: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_543903672&d=DwIBaQ&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=0qdbjqCzLlvjox9BEQDihJA37vQhrlxneH9ZyIbL0H4&m=Lux9Ljw_jCBHngdSD2qMps5eB-ek1dqpdmWYGe9TUDk&s=qh4HCyDNN_9rnontOUqLPbLKB-7y58Hti1Cif5pd6Jo&e= 
 Connecting directly from a room system?
 1) Dial: or bjn.vc
 2) Enter Meeting ID: 543 903 672
 Just want to dial in on your phone?
 1) Direct-dial with my iPhone or
  +1.408.740.7256 <(408)%20740-7256> (United States)
  +1.888.240.2560 <(888)%20240-2560> (US Toll Free)
  +1.408.317.9253 <(408)%20317-9253> (Alternate number)
  (Global Numbers)
 2) Enter Meeting ID: 543 903 672
 3) Press #

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