[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC daily update

simona at jlab.org simona at jlab.org
Tue Jan 30 12:10:07 EST 2018

Logentry Text:
This morning production at 3 pass ended and MCC started working on the 5 pass beam delivery to Hall C. The pass change for Hall C is ongoing.

Between 8 and 9 am this morning a team of guys (Dave G., Jerry, Larry, Stan, Steve L.) went into the hall (controlled access) to rotate SHMS to 7.5 deg in preparation for Jay's beam deflection test. In couple of weeks from now one of the inclusive experiments plans to measure cross sections with SHMS at 7.5 deg and -9.8 GeV/c momentum in SHMS so Jay's test of today will include that setting.

Once 5 pass beam is established for Hall C Jay will perform his beam deflection test. Then we will do initial checks of the beam (if not done already): beam spot on the yag (raster off/on), harp scans and C-hole checks. Then we will move into the commissioning part of the 5 pass Hall C program. 

The first kinematic point in the 5 pass commissioning run plan has **SHMS at 8.5 deg  and -9.430 GeV/c momentum** and HMS at 18.5 deg and -6.693 GeV/c momentum with rastered (2x2) beam on LH2 target.

The HMS has been rotated to 18.5 deg already. Steve Lassiter asked us to keep a low current on the HMS magnets for now (100 A on quads and 0.25 T on the dipole) and go to the desired settings when we are ready to take beam. The SHMS is at 7.5 deg and all magnets are OFF in preparation for Jay's test.

The target is in HOME position and the HVs on HMS and SHMS hodoscopes and drift chambers are off.

We will meet today at 1:30 pm on the second floor of the counting house. Bluejeans meeting ID: 543 903 672


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