[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC report / meeting this afternoon

mboer at jlab.org mboer at jlab.org
Fri Jul 26 14:55:03 EDT 2019

Logentry Text:
Since last report yesterday, we have been running smoothly with a very good efficiency. 
We are still taking data at the same configuration (VCS Ia) at 15 uA. The only down time was ~ 2 hours yesterday PM during Hall A/C access for BCM work in Hall A and HGC gas work in Hall C (see my last report).

We will have a configuration change during the night from VCS kin Ia to VCS Ib. HMS will be rotated from 37.33° to 51.4° for another long period of data taking at the same configuration.

Right now we are taking a bit off physics data production for an intensity scan, we are taking singles and moving up the intensity from 5 uA to 25 uA.

We will have a meeting at 4:30 PM at the second floor of the counting house. Remote attendants, please follow the link:



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