[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC daily update

mnycz at jlab.org mnycz at jlab.org
Wed Aug 19 14:35:02 EDT 2020

Logentry Text:
Continued with reference cell data collection (nitrogen and empty cell) during SWING (08/18) and OWL (08/19).

The polarization has continued to be lower yet steady in the ~ 37% range. The most recent measurement -- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3830811

QWP optimization was preformed during SWING, OWL, and DAY:
Transverse LEFT - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3830774
Transverse RIGHT - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3830421

Opportunistic energy measurement during DAY shift while Hall A preforms a Moller measurement -- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3830781

Target direction was changed to 180 degrees (Longitudinal) -- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3830823

Tomorrow there will be a Moller Measurement during the DAY shift.

The current plan is to swap out the target cell starting Friday DAY, with continued work over the weekend. Due to swapping out the target cell at the end of this week, the 1st pass switch has been delayed by 1 week. It is now scheduled for Aug.31 -Sep 3. 

We will meet today at 4:15pm via Bluejeans 861439920 -- https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/RC_Update_and_Run_Plan_for_Aug_19,_2020


This is a plain text email for clients that cannot display HTML.  The full logentry can be found online at https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3830880
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