[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC Meeting 11AM & Summary

msatnik at jlab.org msatnik at jlab.org
Mon Dec 19 08:50:01 EST 2022

Logentry Text:
Near the beginning of Owl 12/18, the PSS system experienced another communication fault and Hall C suddenly dropped to restricted access. Hardware was replaced by the experts during the day shift and beam was restored at 12:30pm. Following that, running was smooth until beam was taken away at 7am this morning for MCC to begin Beam Characterization Studies. We completed a bit more than half of Setting 2 and are at a good place. Magnets have been powered down and Dave Meekins just arrived to begin warming up the targets. Hall C is in restricted access (on purpose this time). See the RC summary for more details. https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/December_19,_2022

Let's meet at 11AM to discuss what we've accomplished so far and what needs to be done before we come back in January. 

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This is a plain text email for clients that cannot display HTML.  The full logentry can be found online at https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4103376
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