[Hallc_running] Upcoming Hall C run period schedule

Mark Jones jones at jlab.org
Wed May 25 11:52:49 EDT 2022

Hello all,
        Since the official beam schedule has not been updated,
 I wanted to give an update on the upcoming Hall C experiments for the
run period starting on June 8th. The ordering of the experiments within the run period
has changed:

June 8th to Aug 10th
E12-19-006: Study of the L–T Separated Pion Electroproduction Cross Section at 11 GeV and Measurement of the Charged Pion Form Factor to High Q2

Aug 11-Aug 17th
Change out target , change to medium beam pipe.

Aug 18th - Aug 26th
E12-17-005: The CaFe Experiment: Short-Range Pairing Mechanisms in Heavy Nuclei

Aug 27th - Dec 18th, holiday break, Jan 16 2023- Feb 7th
E12-10-008: Detailed studies of the nuclear dependence of F2 in light nuclei.
E12-06-105: Inclusive Scattering from Nuclei at $x > 1$ in the quasielastic and deeply inelastic regimes
There will be a 2 day break to change the target ladder during the running of these experiments.

Feb 10th-Mar 19th 2023
E12-10-003: Deuteron Electro-Disintegration at Very High Missing Momentum
Before this experiment a 2 day break to change target.

The E12-19-006 has opened its shift schedule so
please sign up
The lab is open for users to come and take shifts.
Just be sure the your registration is updated to have site access by looking at JList.
If you need to register to it at least 7 business days in advance.
Below is info that was sent out previously.


As you make plans to return to the lab please make sure you are approved for onsite access.
For most, this will require creating a new online registration<https://www.jlab.org/human_resources/jris/processing> to change your status from remote
(User-Remote) to onsite ("User-Active", "User-Graduate", etc.). Should you come into issues
with overlapping dates email Sue Ewing (ewing at jlab.org) to manually adjust your dates. This
must be done AT LEAST 7 days prior to your arrival. Lastly, please take some time to check your
training<https://www.jlab.org/human_resources/jris/training> and complete any that have expired since your last visit. You will find vaccination and testing details below.

Please see the text from the most recent return to work plan:
2.2.3 Facility User Access

Under MEDCON 3, all facility Users will be allowed site access with concurrence of their
hosts and approval from the Local Approval Authority. All Users without current site
access must submit a site-access registration request through EARS to enter the
campus and will be required to complete SAF003, COVID-19 Hazard Awareness and
Controls online training.

Users with Current Site-Access Privileges

COVID-19 testing will not be required for Jefferson Lab Users who have submitted a
copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record to Occupational Medicine using the secure
drop box. Users planning to come on-site who have not submitted their vaccination
record should do so now by following the instructions on the COVID-19 Portal<https://jlab.servicenowservices.com/cv19?id=cv19_index> or
the Vaccine Reporting at Jefferson Lab message sent on May 7, 2021<https://www.jlab.org/memo/vaccine-reporting-jefferson-lab>.

Jefferson Lab will designate Users who have not submitted a COVID-19 vaccination
record to Occupational Medicine as “undisclosed.” Undisclosed Users will have their
badge access disabled and may not come on-site until they provide negative test
results. To come on-site, undisclosed Users will be required to bring a negative COVID19 test result—taken within three days of their next on-site arrival—to Occupational Medicine. JSA Security will reactivate badge access for these Users for seven days. Undisclosed users will be required to repeat testing each week or until two weeks after they submit a completed vaccination record to Occupational Medicine. Undisclosed
users who test positive for COVID-19 will be medically restricted from coming on-site
until cleared to return.

Users without Current Site Access Privileges

Users who need to come on-site and do not have current site-access privileges must
submit a site-access registration request through EARS and a copy of their vaccination
record to Occupational Medicine using the secure drop box link provided during the site access registration process.

Once site-access registration is complete, Users who have submitted a completed
vaccination record to Occupational Medicine will have their site access activated, or
reactivated if they already have a JSA badge. Users who do not submit a COVID-19
vaccination record to Occupational Medicine will be designated as undisclosed. To
come on-site, undisclosed Users will be required to bring a negative COVID-19 test
result taken within three days of their next on-site arrival to Occupational Medicine at
Jefferson Lab. JSA Security will reactivate badge access for these Users for seven
days. Undisclosed users will be required to repeat testing each week or until two weeks
after they submit a completed vaccination record to Occupational Medicine.
Undisclosed employees who test positive for COVID-19 will be medically restricted from
coming on-site until cleared to return.

Badging Operations will resume on-site operations in MEDCON 3 and remain by
appointment only. Appointments can be scheduled 24 hours in advance at the following
link https://www.jlab.org/badgingoffice.

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