[Hallc_running] [EXTERNAL] RC update (11/13/2022) - No meeting today

Fomin, Nadia nfomin at utk.edu
Sun Nov 13 10:22:25 EST 2022

Hi, everyone,

For the last 24 hours, we've continued production data taking at 50 uA.  We should finish Setting 4 during day shift today.

Hall A was down for a few hours during owl shift, but MCC was not able to successfully give us higher current during that time.

Maintenance Day is Tuesday, with recovery planned for 2:45 p.m.

No meeting today.


Dr. Nadia Fomin
she, her, hers
APS Councilor
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996
Office:  SERF 611
TEL:   (865) 974-1509 (UT)
TEL:   (865) 576-9671 (ORNL)
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