[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC daily summary

reinhold at jlab.org reinhold at jlab.org
Wed Feb 22 10:50:02 EST 2023

Logentry Text:
11 am RC meeting at   https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1607100885?pwd=ZFBsRTFsYm5Zb0laZ0tyZXNjcEE0QT09

= Summary =
* finished closing the hall about 4 pm
* set spectrometers to CAFE kinematics
* checked beam with harp scans and hole target
* checked and adjusted coincidence trigger with LH2 target
* took carbon "mean field" data
* ~10: 30 am moved to gold target

= Current Status =
* taking data on Au target in MF kinematic

= Current Run Plan =
* continue taking data on Au for MF and SRC kinematic until Friday morning or statistics achieved.

= Issues/updates =
* LH2 loop has a problematic fan motor controller; dumps too much power into target; current limited to ~ 20 uA; probably need to warm up LH2 before accepting 40 uA on LD2

= Planned Accesses to the Hall =
* none planned so far; will the LH2 warmup require an access?


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